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Step 1 - Commit to being actively engaged in our Democracy. E pluribus Unum.

If you haven't already join a group - join one. How you engage in progressive activism is up to you. Waving or saluting our flag does not make you patriotic  - engaging in your democracy to insure Liberty, Equality and Justice for All - does. Meaningful patriotism is action - not sentiment. 


Contact Patriotic and Progressive to learn about materials and information we can provide to you and your activist organization to help reclaim the tools of patriotism a in defense of equality. Haven’t joined a group? Click the link below for a list of suggested organizations engaged in progressive activism. Meaningful patriotism is action. For suggested organizations that are engaged in pro-democracy activism: 

Action Steps YOU can take to patriotically strengthen our Democracy and reclaim it from Trump and extremists



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© 2021 PatrioticAndProgressive

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